Sunday, November 15, 2009

Building XMLs with the magic of method_missing in Ruby

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
- Arthur C Clarke

"Any sufficiently advanced technology which you don't understand is magic."
- Reddit comments

Method missing is an elegant dynamic programming trick. The best use of it is in the dynamic finders in ActiveRecord. Another simple but awesome library which uses the same trick is the XML builder library. This blogpost illustrates the use of method missing by building a rudimentary XML builder library. I haven't checked out XML builder source code to keep it simple and authentic.

The following snippet illustrates usage of this builder. To keep it simple i'm skipping XML attributes, comments and DTDs:

require 'buildr'
xml =
puts xml.phonebook { {
xml.full_name 'John Doe' '' '121-101'
} {
xml.full_name 'William Smith' '' '121-102'

And this is the XML output expected from the builder:

<full_name>John Doe</full_name>
<full_name>William Smith</full_name>

Looking at the usage, its obvious that the Buildr uses method missing to interpret missing methods as valid tags. Another pattern is the usage of blocks for nesting tags. Let's get started with a Builder class which implements method_missing to dynamically render XML tags:

class Buildr
def method_missing(tag,*args,&block)
content = args.empty? ? yield : args.first

def render(tag, content)
buffer = ""
buffer += "<#{tag}>"
buffer += content
buffer += "</ #{tag}>"

render method creates opening and closing tags and puts text or further evaluation of nested tags between them. That's the essence of what we need in the succinct implementation above. Let's run it:


Boink! That's predictable for a first cut. But here's what went wrong. yield returns the value of the last statement in the block, but what we need is an aggregate of all the xml outputs in a block. That's why the output contains only the last phone number of the last Contact.

The fix was elusive, but what we need here is some way to aggregate the outputs of each method_missing call and return that as the output of the block. I fixed it by adding a buffer (instance_variable) to aggregate xml outputs in a block and resetting the buffer for each block.

class Buildr
def initialize
@buffer = ""

def method_missing(tag,*args,&block)
render(tag) do
unless args.empty?
@buffer = ""
output = yield

def render(tag, &content)
@buffer += "<#{tag}>"
@buffer += yield
@buffer += "</ #{tag}>"

render method now takes a block, which returns text or evaluates nested blocks. The block also takes care of resetting buffer. Now let's run it:

<contact><full_name>John Doe</full_name><email></email><phone>121-101</phone></contact>
<contact><full_name>William Smith</full_name><email></email><phone>121-102</phone></contact>

That's awesome. It works, but its not formatted and uses instance variable state which could have been avoided.

PS: This experimental Buildr is hosted at Github

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